Sunday, September 23, 2012

The days of my life!

    This is for those of you who want to pray for me at specific time of the day or week.
   Monday through Friday, I wake up no later than 6:45. I have to be school by 7:40, and the drive takes about 20 minutes. It depends on the day, but I have at least one free period sometime during the day. School gets out at 2:30 and I don't leave until 2:45 or later. Since Richard and I are the homeroom teachers we have to make sure that all our kids are getting home. Once I am home, I eat lunch, and afterwards either I will hang out with the kids or take a's amazing how much you get tired from teaching!!!! Around 6:30 we eat dinner, and afterwards the kids go to bed and that's when Mena, Richard, and I relax and hangout!!!
    On Saturday, I try to not sleep too late. I am usually up around  8:45 to 9. After that it's whatever the day brings me!! Sunday, I am up by 8 and leave around 9:30 for church. Church gets over at 12 and the rest of the day is mine. I sometimes hangout and watch a movie with the kids or just have some time to myself....for those of who know know how I like my alone time!!! Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughts!
   Emily P. Sayres

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily. It's Garry and Erin from FEC. I received Wayne's update email and saw your name on it and then put two and two together. Mia and Lily just saw one of your pictures and enjoyed seeing you. Be safe and God bless. Garry
