Monday, December 3, 2012

New Class...New Age!

   Like I said in my last post, Monday was my first day to start with a new class! I was the co-teacher for Elementary B, which is 2nd grade. I taught English 5 times a day for two classes ( 2 for one class and 3 for another). The teacher who I was with was Amy. She was in her late twenties. It was really funny because on Monday, I introduced myself to the kids and afterwards they asked my some questions...the majority of them thought that I was older because I was taller. Other questions that were asked were where was I from, did I have a boyfriend, was I married, and did I like the States or Ecuador more. It took some getting used to but I finally got the hang of talking and interacting with the younger kids!

   So this month was my birthday month and I feel like I somewhat celebrated every weekend!!! The first week, I was in Manta. The second weekend, I got my nails done! The day before my birthday, A friend of mine and I went shopping and I bought myself an early birthday present. Even the few weeks after people were still somehow celebrating my cards, some realizing that they forgot it was my birthday, and having a party!!!

   My actual birthday day was soo great!! I was kinda nervous because last year wasn't my favorite birthday, I ended up gettting in trouble with my mom. After I had woken up and and washed my face, I went to my room and I found in my room a little surprise for me! Someone had made me breakfast, had my bible out and had a card there for me. I was so touched that I started tearing up!! I don't know if it was the fact that I was away from home, seeing my grandmothers b-day card, or the thoughtfulness of the Roselands!! Since my birthday was on Friday, I only had four classes instead of five, so that was sweet little cherry on top. Richards class had a surprise party for me with balloons, streamers, chips, drink, ice cream and of course cake!

   After school I had to go redo my nail because I literally shredded them while shredding some carrots...When I got home, I soon realized that I was locked out of my house! I called Mena and they were all in Quito and wouldn't be back for another three hours! So I decided to go to the San Luis, the valley's big mall, and hangout there for a little bit!! I ended up spending most of my time looking at clothes and making outfits out of them!! It was actually entertaining! I can get entertained really easily...don't know if that's good thing or bad thing. By the time I was done with my imagining, Mena called and said that they could get me on their way home!!

   By the time we got home it was around 6:30 and we had to be somewhere by 7. It was a party for the pastor and his wife. When we got there we ate dinner and just talked.... well I just sat there and tried to keep up with the conversation. Around 8 I left early from the party to go to a worship service! Michelle, one of my good friends here, is in a band for a church and they were playing in it. I meet up with Andrea, another sweet friend and we went together. The worship was really cool...even if it was in Spanish! I met some people who were in the band! When Michelle told them it was my birthday...they started singing. For those of you that have never heard a South American....your ears have been saved. They sing way off key! AND the funny thing is that some of them know it and they joke about it!!

   Anyway, the worship service was supposed to end at 4 and all three of us were not going to stay out that late, so we ended up getting a ride with one of Michelle's friend. ANOTHER thing about Ecuador. Cars here aren't as strict as they are in USA. So in the car...the front seat was three people instead of two!! And the second (or back) seat was in order of appearance....Andrea, Michelle, and another guy from the band....and I was sitting half on Michelle and half on Andrea!! It was kinda packed to say the least!! hahaha :) I got home around 1 or 1:30. I knew that the next day the sun would come up earlier than I would want it to.

   The next day I was still celebrating my birthday! Richard and Ximena took me to my birthday lunch! A family who is like family with the Roselands came with us!! We went to was really good! The waitresses came and sang with me and I had to do a dance with them!!! Thankfully the others who were in the restaurant far enough so they couldn't see me! After eating lunch I went to meet one of the girls to see a movie, she is so cute and so adorable! We ended up seeing the new James Bond movie!! After that we talked and hung out. Later, I went home to relax!!

   The next weekend was Andrea's b-day so we ended up having a combined birthday party/get together! It was so awesome and hilarious. The place we went to was completely random, but perfect because there about 10 others there beside us. It's called the Train Station! It's a mix between Starbucks, and a bar with a karaoke! The bar and karaoke isn't like anything in the States...the place was more like a chill and hangout place. There was pool table and yes I did lose :( haha but it was OK, I can play those guys again! It as hilarious because of the guys. When they sang it was......interesting is the only word that I can think of. Although some were good the majority were kinda...majorly off key!! There was a drunk guy who wanted to sing with us....he was the highlight of the night! The drunkenness made his singing more off tune than it probably would've been! And his wife started dancing with Michelle and I. I think they wanted to be young again..for at least one night! I didn't get home til about was so much fun!!

* since there are a lot of pics for this, I'm going to post them in different post

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