Monday, July 30, 2012

A new home

      Now that my senior year is over, I am embarking on an adventure that I am both excited and nervous to be a part of! With much prayer and consideration, I have decided to take a gap semester this Fall. In August, I leave to go to Quito, Ecuador for 5 months which means I will get back just before Christmas. While in Ecuador I will be a teacher's aide and an English tutor for K-4 grade. The family, whom I will be living with, is Richard and Ximena Roseland and their two children Santiago and Leilani, who are 4 and 1.

Santiago and Leilani

      Ximena, Leilani, and Richard

    You are probably wondering, how in the world did I end up in Ecuador after I finished high school? It all really started during middle school. I have always wanted to be a teacher, but after watching a documentary movie about children forced to be rebel soldiers, my heart was stirred; that's when I wanted to teach internationally to children who weren't as fortunate as me. The Lord has been so sweet to allow me to get ready for my trip. At church, I have been helping with the 3-5 year old Children's Church for about the past 5 years and I have occasionally been given the opportunity to be the lead teacher. Also, for 3 years, I joined my church's high school youth group helping with an inner city organization called Streets. I worked each Friday with students, ages 5 to 11, in its after school program...Bible lesson and fun game time. Another opportunity I had was to partner with an inner city church in its tutoring program. These students were from all grades; some smart as a whip and others far behind the skills needed for their grade....majorly! Although working with these students was a bit challenging at times, I learned many new concepts on how to teach effectively.

      As time came closer for me to figure out what I would do after high school, my dad gave me the idea of taking a 'gap year' and shadow a teacher or become a teacher's aide so I would know what it is like being a teacher. I couldn't believe it; what I'd dreamed of doing was actually become a reality! I originally wanted to go to somewhere in Africa; that's where the documentary I had seen earlier was set. Plus, I had taken two and a half years of French, a commonly spoken language in Africa. I looked into many organizations/places and found one possibility...a Christian organization whose focus is international schools. But, after speaking with representatives from their schools, realized they needed certified teachers to staff their schools, not want-to-be teachers.

       Weeks passed, and I continued to seek the Lord for direction. Someone suggested to my Mom another option, Orphanos Foundation. Orphanos works as the administrative arm for orphanages around the world. I contacted the director, who attends my church, set up an appointment and found out about the schools that offered volunteer opportunities for teacher's aides. There were several in South America, but only two were English medium (teach in English)...remember, I took French not Spanish!!!! One in Quito, Ecuador and a sister school about 4 hours from Quito, in the jungle. My parents and I 'interviewed' the schools, the settings, the opportunities and found them a great fit for what I wanted to accomplish. God is putting Africa on hold for the time being.

      Over the next few weeks I have had close friends and family pray for assurance and guidance for my next decision. As the time has come for me to decide, my dad has felt most comfortable about me being in Quito because I would be living with a family...and one that is associated with the school I would be working at.  A few days later I called the director and told him that Quito would be my next home!